

White Waigtail (Witte Kwikstaart - Motacilla alba alba)

Whinchat (Paapje - Saxicola rubetra)

Goodmorning Terschelling


Luckies in Spain

I was hoping these would come to the Netherlands but I guess only spain get't these really cool history packs :)


Spain - Extremadura

Short-toed Eagle (Slangenarend - Circaetus gallicus)

Short-toed Eagle (Slangenarend - Circaetus gallicus)

Short-toed Eagle (Slangenarend - Circaetus gallicus)

Griffon Vulture (Vale Gier - Gyps fulvus)

Griffon Vulture (Vale Gier - Gyps fulvus)

Griffon Vulture (Vale Gier - Gyps fulvus)

Griffon Vulture (Vale Gier - Gyps fulvus)

Griffon Vulture (Vale Gier - Gyps fulvus)

Red Kite (Rode Wouw - Milvus milvus)

Red Kite (Rode Wouw - Milvus milvus)

Red Kite (Rode Wouw - Milvus milvus)

Wheatear (Tapuit - Oenanthe oenanthe)

White Stork (Ooievaar - Ciconia ciconia)

White Stork (Ooievaar - Ciconia ciconia)

White Stork (Ooievaar - Ciconia ciconia)

Azure-winged Magpie (Blauwe Ekster - Cyanopica cyana)

Azure-winged Magpie (Blauwe Ekster - Cyanopica cyana)

Blue Rock-Thrush (Blauwe Rotslijster - Monticola solitarius)

Booted Eagle (Dwergarend - Aquila pennata) (formerly Hieraaetus pennatus)

Common Swift (Gierzwaluw - Apus apus)

Black Kite (Zwarte Wouw - Milvus migrans)

Black Redstart (Zwarte Roodstaart - Phoenicurus ochruros)

Black Stork (Zwarte Ooievaar - Ciconia nigra)

Black Vulture (Monniksgier - Aegypius monachus)

Black Vulture (Monniksgier - Aegypius monachus)

Egyptian Vulture (Aasgier - Neophron percnopterus)

Egyptian Vulture (Aasgier - Neophron percnopterus)


Groene Jonker

Lapwing (Kievit - Vanellus vanellus)

Common Redshank (Tureluur - Tringa totanus)

Reed Bunting (Rietgors - Emberiza schoeniclus)

Spotted Crake (Porseleinhoen - Porzana porzana)

White Stork (Ooievaar - Ciconia ciconia)

Black-necked Grebe (Geoorde Fuut - Podiceps nigricollis)

Great Crested Grebe (Fuut - Podiceps cristatus)


Baillon's Crake

Baillon's Clark (Kleinst Waterhoen - Porzana pusilla)
@ De Groene Jonker
Really close by and not taken any notice of the 30 birders that where looking at it from 3 meter distance. Beautiful rare bird.

Try to find me

Almost a bit blurry

Sharp but still just half a bird

