
Black-bellied Dipper @Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen - Groot Zwarteveld [NH]

Black-bellied Dipper (Zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - Cinclus cinclus cinclus group)

Great Grey Shrike (Klapekster - Lanius excubitor)

Also this morning @ Meijendel - Ganzenhoek [ZH]
Eurasian Treecreeper (Taigaboomkruiper - Certhia familiaris)
Yellow-browed Warbler (Bladkoning - Phylloscopus inornatus)
Pallas's Leaf Warbler (Pallas' Boszanger - Phylloscopus proregulus)


Begin of the afternoon @ Leidschendam - Vogelplas Starrevaart [ZH]
Red Phalarope (Rosse Franjepoot - Phalaropus fulicarius)

But these were too fast to take a picture :(